The next meeting of Lowca Parish Council
will commence 7.30pm Wednesday 19th April 2023
in Lowca Village Hall.
Dear Parish Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the next meeting of Lowca Parish Council, as detailed above.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. To approve and accept the minutes of the last Lowca parish council meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2023, as a true record.
4. Public participation, 15 minutes allowed including clerks update
5. Police Matters
6. Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor
7. Application for Development.
8. A595 Moresby Viaduct latest update.
9. Involvement of Community Pay Back team in Lowca since last meeting. Tasks completed and forward planned projects.
10. Parish Council election 4th May. No election.
11. Millennium Garden and Platinum Garden updates. Millennium play area equipment upgrade. Resolve to approve to spend £2k, not spent on a poll cost, plus additional funding up to £3k sum not to exceed £5k in total, on an item of play equipment in Millennium Garden as a community benefit. Cllr R B and Cllr K T.
12. Bus shelter repair.
13. Village Hall Management Committee report.
14. Easter edition of Lowca Lowdown, feedback.
15. Progress report, clerk.
16. Lowca parish councillor reports.
17. Correspondence.
18. Payments for approval.
19. Date and time of the next meeting Wednesday 17th May 2023, 7.30pm at Lowca Village Hall.
Mike Milner
Mike Milner, Clerk and RFO to Lowca Parish Council, 13th April 2023
Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Wednesday 19th April 2023 at Lowca Village Hall.
The chair declared the meeting open at 7.30pm, in heated hall but no artificial illumination.
Present: Cllrs Mercia Oliver (chair), S Southwell, S McNee, Mrs R Barwise
K Thinnesen. Carley Egan, H Thinnesen.
Cumberland Councillor: Gillian Troughton.
Apologises. Cllr D Wrench.
Clerk: Mike Milner.
Members of the public. Two attended.
126.00 Apologies for Absence. As noted above.
127.00 Declaration of interest. None
128.00 To approve and accept the minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2023, as a true record.
128.01 minutes approved as true record, and duly signed by chair.
129.00 Public Participation. No contribution from those present.
130.00 Police Matters.
130.01 Clerk had circulated the e-newsletters issued by Cumbria Police.
131.00 Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor.
131.01 The chair welcomed Cllr Gillian Troughton, who was now officially the parish council’s only representative on the new Cumberland Council. Cllr G S advised that the only official meeting undertaken by the new council was 13th April. She was keen to establish what speed restrictions or amendments to existing ones, the parish council would like to see her supporting. The council are keen to see the current 40mph from Lowca south entrance to A595 reduced to 30mph. Clerk advised that he had been told by the local area engineer, this was a topic for discussion at the next session of speed limit discussions.
131.02 Cllr asked if a reduction of the limit, currently National Limit, on the road exiting the village to Harrington should be considered. Perhaps requesting two new more severe speed humps would be appropriate at that north entrance to the village. Clerk advised that from his recent experience across other parishes with major trunk roads and quieter C roads, the current method of assessing changes is governed by the CRASH committee. One of their criteria is recorded accident incidents and the very basic value of “killed or seriously injured.” If that was zero, then the joint Highways, Crash and Police group were loathed to change limits, considered unnecessary.
131.03 All councillors agreed that no further new double yellows were required. Current ones are frequently ignored. Chair asked Cllr G T if she wished to remain and she accepted.
132.00 Applications for development. None.
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133.00 A595 Moresby Viaduct latest update.
133.01 Clerk had circulated the latest email exchange with Jonathan Reade. It basically very politely stated that all the requests for increased exit splays, a pedestrian crossing and the such like were not part of the plan for the viaduct. It would be a further 9-12 months to assess their necessity and then it would be an additional 9-12 months before they could be included in a budget commitment, but Lowca “improvements” would then be subject to the funding in the central budget pot and how much of a priority they were, when considered against of the projects requesting funding across Cumberland.
133.02 Clerk to forward some of the more important email exchanges to Cllr G T (CC) for her to put pressure on the parties involved.
133.03 Cllr S S pointed out that the Lowca resident’s vehicle access passes had still not been posted out to residents. There was a general drop in by National Highways on Thursday 27th April at the Lowca village hall, 4pm-7.30pm. Clerk advised he had a note for later in the meeting about the promised stickers. Hearing Cllr S S’s comments he would that evening email the National Highways team and ask where the passes were. Also, confirmation that the A597 road works, currently closed by the Galloping Horse, would be completed by the 12th May. Cllr G T (CC) remarked that perhaps an email to Whitehaven News may be appropriate.
134.00 Involvement of Community Pay Back Team in Lowca since last meeting. Tasks completed and forward planned projects.
134.01 Chair Cllr M O up dated the Cllrs of progress. Basically, all of phase one had now been completed with the exception of the painting of the seat. The team had actually trimmed some additional trees on the far side so the local neighbours were pleased with that outcome. Phase two which was the old BMX track had been cleared up and 25 purple bags of rubbish left on the site. Copeland will not remove as it is private land. Phase 3 would involve the painting of seats and cleaning the hand rails around the rugby club pitch. The team were discussing with the rugby club about the painting of the “tuck” container.
134.02 The clerk was to contact the team leader, Peter, first thing on Thursday morning and resolve the paint requirements and other consumables plus ask that the 25 purple rubbish sacks were transported from the BMX track to the skip currently in the hall car park.
134.03 Clerk stated he had ordered and paid for the original closed skip, £300 including Vat and then had repeated the exercise with the second skip which was larger £360 including VAT. He had paid for the skips on his credit card and was reclaiming the cost in his expenses figure later in the evening. He then advised that he would be raising a request to the Lowca Village Hall Committee requesting 50% of the skip hire costs, excluding the VAT element as parish council can reclaim that.
134.04 All councillors were impressed with the standard of workmanship provided by the Pay Back Team.
135.00 Parish Council election 4th May. No election.
135.01 The current Cllrs had submitted nomination forms and two other individuals who met the criteria to satisfy nomination status had submitted their appropriate signed papers. The then Copeland officer organising the poll, advised there would have to be a poll.
135.02 Clerk had had a conversation with both the Copeland Officer and the Cumberland Council official Returning Officer about poll costs and reimbursement of them. The poll cost would be in excess £2000 with no guarantee any substancial reimbursement from the public purse.
Page 316 (2 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….17th May 2023.
135.03 After discussions with the current parish councillors, Cllr S S decided that to save the community an unnecessary expense in the current time he would make the necessary arrangements with Copeland to withdraw, which he had done.
135.04 Chair M O thanked him for his service since he had become a councillor 2 years ago. He advised Cllrs that he would still be involved the various community projects he had already undertaken, as a volunteer now, and he would continue as treasurer of the Lowca Village Hall.
Cllr H T joined the meeting at 8.02pm.
136.00 Millennium Garden and Platinum Garden updates. Millennium play area equipment upgrade. Resolve to spend £2k, not spent on a poll cost, plus additional funding up to £3k, sum not to exceed £5k in total on an item of play equipment in Millennium Garden as a community benefit. Cllr R B and Cllr K T.
136.01 Clerk asked if he could clarify Millennium Garden position, chair agreed. When the agenda was being created, the chair and clerk were very aware that the Millennium Garden needs an item of Play equipment, but he had never in 9 years viewed what was there. It is an adventure trail supplied by Playdale. He had a couple of years ago at another parish successfully employed a local engineering firm to repair the Burma Bridge element at no great expense. He had invited the same company to quote for a similar repair. He with the council’s approval would contact Playdale and get a quote for replacing the suspended area walk way.
136.02 Cllrs enquired about the black safety area. Clerk to inspect and see if play area wood chip could be used to bring it back up to standard. There are local companies who undertake such repairs. Cllr K T said if the repair could be accomplished at the £2k cost that would be an excellent solution. Cllrs again noted the importance of the need for the equipment to secure the land at the rear of the village hall as a community asset, even if the village hall were lost.
136.03 Cllr R B explained that they had started in the Platinum Garden, her husband had purchased for £20, a working petrol mower and all the grass was cut except the wild flower meadow area. Clerk was attempting to get Open Spaces team to cut before the end of April, he would chase again on Thursday. Stakes to define the wild garden area not required. The brambles have been further cut back, around the wall, and that action had uncovered some substantial old stumps, which required a Stihl chainsaw to remove them.
136.04 The seat had started to gain regular users who take a break after walking up the hill. Photographs were circulated showing rear views of occupants looking out to The Solway. The team looking after the area were keen to use painted stones to provide a feature for villagers. Cllr R B asked if someone could chase up the Lowca sign, so it could become part of the feature. Clerk to chase.
137.00 Bus shelter repair.
137.01 clerk reported that he had finally received a quote from a Workington based joinery and plastics firm, who had inspected the site and installation requirements and quoted £395.33 excluding VAT. Clerk had provided an order number and would the next day sign the contract and pay a deposit of 25%, using his credit card and reclaim the monies in his May expenses. Repair should be completed in3-4 weeks.
138.00 Village Hall Management Committee report.
138.01 Cllrs S M and S S updated the council on current progress. There was now fully operational heating in the big room, a pump spare part was awaited for the old bar area.
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138.02 The hall flyer was circulated to every home in Lowca with the last Lowdown and feedback was awaited. The new committee was being very proactive and there were now 2 types of hire agreement. One was the general agreement, and a second created as it was proposed to allow the hire of the snooker/pool room to interested parties, Cllr C E mentioned that a CCTV system could be installed so that there was a pictorial record of hirers actions.
138.03 The current committee were looking at installing broadband WiFi, this enhances its appeal to use by commercial companies for meetings and promotional events. Clerk advised that at two other parishes he clerked for had that facility to offer. It certainly had the halls used in the daytime by local commercial enterprises.
138.04 The hall was now used as a “warm hub” and the footfall through the building was certainly on the up. The future was looking positive and there was a possibility now to maximise all three areas to generate income. Finally, Cllr S S stated that as its treasurer he could confirm that the finances were in a good state.
139.00 Easter edition of the Lowdown, feedback.
139.01 the Lowdown had been distributed with the hall flyer to all Lowca properties. Cllr R B suggested that perhaps Cllr G T (CC) who was responsible for distribution of the St Bridget’s parish church magazine could probably provide a very accurate count number for delivery. The Lowdown printed was originally supplied in a batch of 400, but had recently been increased to 450. Cllrs thought a figure near 400 was accurate. Cllrs and chair to investigate.
Cllr C E left meeting at 8.32pm. Meeting remains quorate.
140.00 Progress reports, clerk.
140.01 The gentleman who had dealt with former Cllr D B (CBC) about the potholes on the Lowca beach track had changed his approach and was calling at the Lowca chair’s door complaining about some mounds of earth owned by U U on Lowca beach. Clerk had contacted the individual to request he stopped calling at chair’s property and clerk advised him of the contact details of the individual he was seeking.
140.02 have lights 41 and 27 been repaired? Lighter nights meant Cllrs could not answer that question.
140.03 Minute 118.04 the dog fouling issue at West Croft Terrace was still under investigation by dog warden.
140.04 Skip hire covered by 134.03, these minutes.
141.00 Councillors reports.
141.01 Cllrs concerned about the purple bags of rubbish on the BMX track which Copeland would not collect. Could they be moved by the Payback team and placed in skip at village hall, then brambles etc by hall loaded into it. Clerk to speak to Pay Back team tomorrow.
141.02 Cllr R B said the refreshments after the litter pick were much appreciated, cake was provided by Cllr D W, and Cllr R B had returned the picking sticks to Cumberland’s Copeland depot.
141.03 Cllr S M had noticed that Parton were doing a village in bloom competition and could Lowca consider such an idea to run in conjunction with the Lowca Village Show planned for later this summer. Cllr to write to local business, as chair of village Hall asking for a prize donation.
141.04 Same Cllr was also concerned about the pot holes on the road from A595 past St Bridget’s to Parton turn off. Images would be provided and clerk will report to Highways.
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141.05 Chair raised issue of fly tipping of a Lowca resident disposing of concrete rubble in a local field. Clerk advised that unless he was provided with name and address and a witness was prepared to make a statement, nothing parish council can do, just an unsubstantiated act. He cautioned chair about getting involved without firm evidence to contact the Cumberland Council about it via Copeland office.
Public notice, the meeting had commenced 7.30pm with heating but no electric light, at 8.47pm village hall treasurer switched the lights on.
142.00 Correspondence.
142.01 confirmation of precept had been paid into parish bank account.
142.02 Official poll nomination sheet received from Cumberland showing candidates who had submitted their papers and that one had withdrawn, no poll necessary.
142.03 Calc had submitted their annual subscription letter for 2023-24, cost £233.06. Clerk recommended continued membership and Cllrs resolved to continue its membership. Clerk pointed out that there were 631 registered voters in Lowca.
142.04 Printpoint had submitted their Easter Lowdown invoice. Usual cost £198. Clerk had confirmed with chair that he could pay it prior to financial year end to save end of year accountancy entries regarding outstanding invoice.
142.05 The new Cumberland Council had emailed pointing out that they were now the owners of the land that the East Road bus shelter was situated on.
142.06 Clerk had been provided with pictorial evidence of the local nursery burning plastics and polystyrene on Sunday 2nd April at 11am. The resident who provided the evidence had rung the nursery owner, who had stated it was an accident, an employee working without an instruction. Fire promptly put out.
142.07 email 5th April from National Highways about a short delay with vehicle stickers. See minute note 133.03 these minutes.
143.00 Payments for approval
IntPay 270 Printpoint £198.00 Easter Lowdown, paid 27th March. (minute 142.04 refers)
IntPay 271 M Milner, clerk, £1079.91, salary £387.06, expenses £692.85 (2 skip hire costs)
IntPay 272 HMRC clerk’s PAYE £77.20p.
Intpay 273 CALC £233.06 annual subscription.
Bank charges from HSBC for April £5.00.
All approved.
144.00 Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 17th May 2023, 7.30pm in Lowca Village Hall.
Meeting closed 8.51pm.
Page 319 (5 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….17th May 2023.
Text content to come.