Meeting May Agenda

Lowca Parish Council Annual General Meeting

followed by the May parish council meeting

will commence at 7.30pm Wednesday 17th May 2023

in Lowca village hall.

Dear Parish Councillor,

You are summoned to attend the next meeting of Lowca Parish Council, commencing with the annual AGM, as detailed above.

1.    Apologies

2.    All councillors to sign their declaration of office documents.

3.    To appoint a chairman and vice chairman for the coming year

The normal parish council meeting immediately follows the above meeting.

4.    Apologies

5.    Declaration of interest

6.    To approve and accept the minutes of the last Lowca Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th April 2023, as a true record.

7.    Public participation, 15 minutes allowed including clerks update

8.    Police Matters

9.    Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor

10. Application for Development.

11. Receive and approve the parish accounts for the financial year 2022/23. Internal auditors report, Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statement for the year, all to be resolved. Bank reconciliation and variance report. Draft documents distributed by email.

12. Approve revised Code of Conduct. Pecuniary interest form completion.   

13.  A595 Moresby viaduct update, first weekend closure report, issues.

14.  Involvement of the Community Pay Back team in Lowca since last meeting. Tasks completed and forward planned projects.

15.  Bus shelter repair, update.

16.  Millennium Garden Play area refurbishment.

17.  Zurich Parish Council annual insurance renewal.

18.  Platinum Garden update, wild flower cut undertaken.

19.  Progress report, clerk.

20. Lowca parish councillor reports.

21. Correspondence.

22. Payments for approval.

23. Date and time of the next meeting Wednesday 21st June 2023, 7.30pm at Lowca Village Hall.


Mike Milner

Mike Milner, Clerk and RFO to Lowca Parish Council, 12th May 2023



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting followed by May parish council meeting held on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at Lowca Village Hall.

The chair declared the meeting open at 7.30pm. She welcomed all Cllrs present to the meeting and especially the two new council members.

Present: Cllrs Miss M Oliver(chair), Mrs R Barwise, S McNee, D Wrench, Ms K Thinnesen,     B Ennis, T Milligan. Ms C Egan.

Cumberland Councillor, Mrs Gillian Troughton.

Apologises. H Thinnesen (LPC)

Clerk, M Milner. No members of the public.

145.00 Apologises.  As noted above.

146.00 Declaration forms. Clerk advised that as this was the first meeting since the councillors all had submitted nomination forms for office as councillors, they had to complete new declaration of office forms. Distributed, all completed and countersigned by clerk.

147.00 To appoint a chairman and vice chair for the coming year.

147.01 Chair read out the agenda item and then clerk confirmed that prior to the meeting he had established that the former chair was prepared to stand again. Cllr D W proposed Cllr M O for chair, which was seconded by Cllr C E, there were no other nominations and on a show of hands 5 Cllrs supported the nomination and 2 declared they objected. Cllr M O duly elected.

147.02 Chair invited nominations for vice-chair. Cllr K T nominated Cllr R B and that was seconded by Cllr C E. Cllr R B confirmed her willingness to stand, no other nominations and on a show of hands a unanimous support.

AGM meeting closed, 7.35pm.

Chair opened the parish council at 7.36pm.

148.00 Apologies for Absence. As noted above.

149.00 Declaration of interest. None

150.00 To approve and accept the minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 19th April 2023, as a true record.

150.01 Minutes had been circulated to Cllrs before the meeting. Cllr T M advised chair he had questions. Clerk pointed out that the approval was for Cllrs who were present at the meeting. He stated he was, but as clerk pointed out he was only a member of the public and therefore not eligible to raise issues. Chair proposed the acceptance, seconded by     Cllr D W and accepted unanimously by appropriate Cllrs.

151.00 Public Participation.  No reports from last meeting and no public present.

Page 320 (1 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….21st June 2023.

151.00 Police Matters.

151.01 Clerk had circulated the e-newsletters issued by Cumbria Police.

152.00 Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor.

152.01 Cllr G T advised that she was going to continue pursuing the speed limit reduction from the south village entrance up past the church to A595. 40mph reduction to 30mph.

152.02 She then produced a brochure from Fibrus a broadband infrastructure installation company and asked if anyone was aware of the project. Some Cllrs had received them by a postal drop. She outlined the company’s proposals and the clerk advised that he had that afternoon received an email from the company, which he would circulate to all Cllrs.

At the end of her report, thanked by chair for her attendance and invited to remain for the remainder of the meeting, invitation accepted.

153.00 Applications for development. None.

154.00 Receive and approve the parish accounts for the financial year 2022/23. Internal auditors report, Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statement for the year, all to be resolved. Bank reconciliation and variance report. Draft documents distributed by email.

154.01 clerk started by briefly running through the variance comments on the bank rec he had circulated. Then he proceeded to explain the various documents that required signature.

154.02 Certificate of Exemption, circulated, AGAR 2022/23 Part 2. This confirms that the parish has neither income nor expenditure exceeding £25k. Cllrs unanimously resolved to accept the certificate

154.03 clerk had circulated the signed Annual Internal Audit Report. Internal audit had taken place 15/10/22 and 27/04/23. All boxes correctly ticked, and no issues or recommendations raised.

154.04 Annual Governance Statement, circulated. Clerk had read the content of the 8 boxes on the form and at each statement was ticked Yes box with Cllrs approval.

154.05 Finally the accounting statement, which had been circulated was approved by councillors. Chair and Clerk signed the documents as they were approved.

154.06 Clerk confirmed that he would make the appropriate returns to the external government auditor, no longer PKF now Moores, placing necessary documents required for the appropriate periods on the parish council website pages and display in the parish noticeboard as demanded by legislation.

155.00 Approve revised Code of Conduct. Pecuniary interest form completion.  

155.01 Clerk had circulated to Cllrs for their consideration a revised Code of Conduct. He explained that Cumberland Council had circulated Pecuniary interest forms for completion and on the form, it had to state a date the Code of Conduct applicable to the council was approved so it seemed an appropriate time to update the Lowca code of conduct document. He enquired if all had read and were there any questions.

155.02, no questions, the chair proposed its acceptance and that was seconded by Cllr C E and a show of hands indicated a unanimous acceptance. Approved. The pecuniary forms would be completed at the end of the meeting.

156.00 A595 Moresby viaduct update, first weekend closure report, issues.

156.01 clerk read email from Steve Mason, Project Manager.

Page 321 (2 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….21st June 2023.

156.02 clerk had been made aware on Saturday evening at 9.30pm of major problems by a Cllr and had promptly emailed Steve Mason and had received a response on the Sunday, it appeared that no one had factored in the possibility of a lorry tipping over in emergency vehicle route into Lowca and that used by the bus and taxis. The email clerk had read out was sent at 4.40pm prior to the meeting and was addressed to the parish and Cllr G T (CC) who had raised issues by email. Clerk invited comments so he could reply to Steve Mason.

156.03 Cllrs agreed that teething troubles had been experienced but anticipated. It appeared that a major concern were taxis and their refusal to travel to Lowca, or if they did, they were charging apparently excessive fares. The buses had stopped due to the lorry issue, but was now apparently resolved. What was concerning was that Amazon delivery vans apparently had stopped, but they would have had unchallenged access. Cllr G T was proposing to contact Amazon about that issue. All local grocery delivery vehicles operated by supermarkets had arrived on schedule.

156.04 Cllr R B raised the issue of the large delivery lorries entering the viaduct site entrance by Moresby Hall. She advised that the vehicles were coming off the 595 then down the hill through the temporary traffic lights, past the church and going down to the Parton junction and using that as a turning circle, churning up the road surface, video from top of church tower was available. It was agreed that clerk would respond to the latest email from Steve Mason in which he would raise the issue of the lorry turning and the final resurfacing of the road from A595 through to the Parton junction, he would note the taxi issue and could operators be advised that Lowca was approachable by taxi and finally invite the National Highways team to hold an open session at the June 21st Lowca parish council meeting.

156.05 It was agreed that Steve Tumelty’s mobile number would be placed on the Lowca Facebook page, he had made it freely accessible on his own Facebook page, as he was the Highways contact during the A595 repair.

157.00 Involvement of the community Pay Back team in Lowca since last meeting. Tasks completed and forward planned projects.

157.01 Chair advised that nearly all the projects the team had agreed to do with the parish council, the village hall committee and the rugby club had been completed. The team would be happy to return and keep on top of the work that they had undertaken, they were now involved with projects at the local school at weekends, when no children in attendance. The chair advised that even the benches on the road down towards the beach had been painted green, apparently a very noticeable green.

157.02 Cllr R B pointed out the arms on the new seat situated in the Platinum Garden had not yet been painted, and she thought the team were to remove a few small tree trunks by the wall adjacent to the speed humps. Clerk advised that the Stihl Chainsaw was not part of the team’s normal toolkit, by the nature of the members of the team, but one of the supervisors had a personal saw which could be used. He would remind the foreman.

157.03 Cllr B E pointed out he was not satisfied with the teams work on his boundary fence. He said privet hedging planet a few years ago had been cut back and removed. The resulting fence that replaced the original fence was not acceptable. The clerk advised that he would contact the gentleman who had attended the parish council meeting to explain the project and request him to contact Cllr B E as the property owner directly to see if the issue could be resolved.

Page 322 (3 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….21st June 2023.

158.00 Bus shelter repair, update.

158.01 clerk was able to report that Taylor Plastics and Joinery, Workington, had successfully completed the insertion of the replacement toughened glass on 9th May. Clerk had completed the installation on Monday of this week by applying transfers that highlight the glass in place. Images circulated to the Cllrs. Clerk had paid the 25% deposit £118.75 which he was reclaiming in his expenses and the balance of £356.25 would be paid via BACs transfer after payment approval at this meeting.

159.00 Millennium Garden play area refurbishment.

159.01 clerk had approached a company to remove chain links and make the chain bridge area useable. The equipment was originally of Playdale construction and clerk in process of getting a quote for replacement Playdale chain bridge swings and associated accessories. Cllr T M asked about safety inspections, the clerk advised once it was repaired, he would get RoSPA or Cumberland to inspect. Cllr T M was concerned there were no gates stopping children running in front of 44 tonne wagons and the whole area needed a more detailed assessment in his opinion. Chair advised that there was a project under consideration for new fencing and gates in the whole of the Millennium Garden area.

160.00 Zurich Parish Council annual insurance renewal.

160.01 clerk advised the annual insurance was due for renewal on 1st June and the parish was in a long-term renewal agreement with the company. The renewal figure for this year was £711.68 up from £632.05. Clerk reminded Cllrs that he had added the new bench provided by Copeland back in 2022. Cllrs approved the renewal figure.

160.02 Cllr K T advised clerk she needed a copy of the insurance for a grant application form, clerk will provide both the current year and the renewal document.

161.00 Platinum Garden update, wild flower cut undertaken.

161.01 Cllr R B briefly updated the Cllrs on the Platinum Garden area. She confirmed that the area had been cut by the Open Spaces team and she was aware that there was to be no charge to the parish council as it only took 10 minutes.

162.00 Progress reports, clerk

161.01 clerk further to minute 140.01 had received a further letter, via the Parton clerk, which he read out in respect of the two spoil heaps down by the beach by the rail tunnel by the beck. Cllr B E actually enlightened all with his knowledge and that the original spoil was from the sewer laid in that area and then it was used to allow lorries climb up and over the rail track. Clerk to take no action just await next letter.

161.02 The purple bags on the BMX, the spoil from the Pay Back team clean-up had now been removed.

161.03 minute 141.04 the pot holes on the road area by the church as reported by Cllr S M were reported to the Highways E1/146656. Clerk though reminded Cllrs of Steve Mason’s promise, see minute note 156.04 these minutes.

161.04 Clerk had renewed the Pensions Regulations compliance notice on 15th May 2023.

161.05 Highways had provided notification that the manhole cover which had gone missing in May 2022, E1/65012 submitted 9/5/22 and then rereported on 22/9/22 E1/87486 had actually been scheduled for repair by end of May 2023. Cllr R B was actually able to confirm that the repair had been affected and also, she noted the new yellow lines by the school had been extended outside 6 Micklam Cottages.

Page 323 (4 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….21st June 2023.

162.00 Lowca Parish Cllrs reports.

162.01 Cllr K T was impressed to see how the new school headmistress was involving the school with community. Inviting older individuals to the school to impart local community history to the children.

162.02 Cllr B E advised he had reported by phone some fly tipping which could possibly contain asbestos in Wardle Lonning. No action had been taken to remove it. Clerk advised that if the Cllr used the Highways HIMs facility online he would receive an email with a report number. The only thing the clerk asked was could any Cllr who did that please just forward the acknowledgement email to the clerk, so he knew what was being reported.

162.03 Cllr S M asked when the next Lowdown was to be distributed, so clerk agreed all material to him by 15th July and it would be ready for distribution in the following week. Cllr S M then advised that the next Lowca Village Show would be Saturday 26th August. He also advised that yet another car had gone on to the Lowca Head coastal pathway and got stuck.

162.04 Cllr D W had now got a stock of litter picking stick for Lowca, stored in village hall and their availability should be made known on Lowca community page.

162.05 Cllr T M asked if it was now appropriate to request 3 items be put forward for the next agenda. Clerk asked for details, yellow lines, the village flag pole and also the war memorial. Cllr also asked that the next parish council meeting was governed and run under the 1998 human Rights Section 10 and also the equalities Act 2010. The clerk noted the information and would have to investigate the material mentioned and the implications.

163.00 Correspondence.

163.01 Clerk reminded all Cllrs to return electoral expenses forms in prepaid the envelope.

163.02 email from Anne Bell confirming no charge for wild flower meadow cut.

163.03 Moresby PC had approached clerk to act as Locum clerk, he had declined.

163.04 Invoice from Simone Morgan, end of year accounts £30 audit fee.

163.05 invoice from Taylors Plastics and Joinery for balance of £356.25p

163.06 Finally clerk had received a letter from new Cllr T M, whom he asked if he still wanted it read aloud, which he did. Clerk advised he would read the document and then he would respond to the content. He wished for no interruptions during the process.

163.07 All other emails of significance had been circulated where appropriate.


164.00 Payments for approval

IntPay 274 M Milner, clerk, £591.61, salary £309.90, expenses £281.71

IntPay 275 HMRC clerk’s PAYE £57.80p.

Intpay 276 Simone Morgan, £30.00 end of year audit fee.

IntPay 277 Zurich Insurance, £711.86 annual insurance renewal.

Intpay 278 Taylors Plastic and joinery, £356.26 bus shelter repair, total £475.00.

Bank charges from HSBC for May £5.00.

All approved.

165.00 Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 21st June 2023, 7.30pm in Lowca Village Hall.


Meeting closed 8.44pm.


Page 324 (5 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….21st June 2023.