Meeting September Agenda

The next meeting of Lowca Parish Council  

will commence 7.30pm Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 7.30pm

in Lowca Village Hall.

Dear Parish Councillor, you are summoned to attend the next meeting of Lowca Parish Council, as detailed above.

1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest

3.    To approve and accept the minutes of the last Lowca parish council meeting held on Wednesday 19th July 2023, as a true record.

4.    Public participation, 15 minutes allowed including clerks update

5.    Police Matters

6.    Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor.

7.    Application for Development.

8.    Confirm resignation of current clerk Mike Milner and the employment of Jane Coltman, 54, Gosforth Road, Seascale, CA20 1PJ. Employment to commence October 2023, new clerk to commence on same terms and conditions as current clerk. Hand over arrangements.

9.    Parish councillor vacancy, process and advertising arrangements.  

10. Report on Lowca Show held 26th August.

11. Village Hall management update and Table Top sale arrangements.

12. Platinum Garden update, and Millenium Garden update.

13. A595 viaduct repairs, outstanding issues?

14. Next edition of Lowca Lowdown, print schedule date and compiling process.

15. Remembrance Day wreaths, Christmas Tree for Lowca and its licence.

16. Councillor training via CALC and online courses.

17. Progress report, clerk.

18. Lowca parish councillor reports.

19. Correspondence.

20. Payments for approval.

21. Date and time of the next meeting Wednesday 18th October 2023, 7.30pm at Lowca Village Hall.


Mike Milner

Mike Milner, Clerk and RFO to Lowca Parish Council 14th September 2023




Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 7.30pm at Lowca Village Hall.

The chair declared the meeting open at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs Miss M Oliver(chair), Mrs R Barwise (vice-chair), S McNee, T Milligan.        Hugh Thinnesen.

Cumberland Councillor, Mrs Gillian Troughton.

Apologies. B Ennis, Katherine Thinnesen.

Clerk, M Milner. Mrs Jane Coltman, clerk to be from October 2023. She was introduced to the councillors prior to commencement of the meeting.

201.00 Apologises.  As noted above.

202.00 Declaration of interest. None

203.00 To approve and accept the minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 19th July 2023, as a true record.

203.01 Minutes had been circulated to Cllrs before the meeting, duly approved and signed by chair.

204.00 Public Participation.  No reports from last meeting and no public present tonight.

205.00 Police Matters.

205.01 Clerk had circulated the e-newsletters issued by Cumbria Police.

206.00 Matters concerning Cumberland Councillor.

206.01 councillor G T advised that the broadband contractor Fibrus was holding a public information session at Whitehaven golf club.  The company should be communicating by letter with the local residents before they commenced work in an area.  Unfortunately, this was not always happening and causing inconvenience to local residents.  Also as the company carried out local investigations as to what infrastructure exists, if they have to return to make alterations the temporary reinstatement of the visible repair is leading to complaints of shoddy workmanship.

206.02 Cllr G T told the parish council that she had been in talks with the local highways engineer and she was hopeful that the section of road from the A595 past the church and down to and the Parton road junction would be resurfaced in its entirety by Cumbria highways.

206.03 Cllr S M enquired if local villages including Lowca would be included and 20 MPH speed limit scheme? Cllr G T confirmed that Cumberland Highways were investigating that option.  The chair invited Cllr G T to remain but she declined the offer and left the meeting at 7.45pm.

207.00 Applications for development. None.

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208.00 Confirm resignation of current clerk Mike Milner and the employment of Jane Coltman, 54, Gosforth Road, Seascale, CA20 1PJ. Employment to commence October 2023, new clerk to commence on same terms and conditions as current clerk. Hand over arrangements.

208.01 the clerk advised the parish council that after the last meeting he had consulted with Calc confirmed that to interview a clerk it was acceptable practice for the chair and vice chair to conduct the interview.  The clerk had therefore arranged the interview for the 15th August and apart from make the introductions he had not been present.

208.02 the conclusion of the interview resulted in Jane Coltman, sat at the meeting this evening being offered and accepting the position of clerk to Lowca parish council from October 2023. She would commence the employment on the same terms and conditions as the current clerk, hourly rate of remuneration £13.48, she like the current clerk would keep a personal time sheet of the hours she spent on parish business and she would be reimbursed mileage at the approved HMRC rate of 45p per mile. The only additional benefit she would claim, is a monthly £10 allowance to cover the cost of the use of her home as an office. A perfectly appropriate arrangement, agreed by Nalc, the national association and adopted by Calc. The current clerk will draw up the appropriate contract for signing at the October meeting.

208.03 the current clerk will have the parish accounts audited up to the end of September as is normal practice. The exchange of laptop and ledgers etc would take place at the October meeting, along with all the passwords.

208.04 the chair welcomed the new clerk to be to the Lowca Parish Council.

209.00 Parish councillor vacancy, process and advertising arrangements.

209.01 confirmed that on his way to this meeting he had placed the appropriate notice in the village noticeboard advising of the vacancy and the actions. If he, as expected, received no response to the notice, then the council could co-opt a councillor after due interview process. The incoming clerk asked if there was an established process in place, which clerk confirmed there was complete with an appropriate interview form.

210.00 Report on Lowca Show held 26th August.

210.01 Cllr S M, who had organised the show, which had been judged by Cumberland Councillor G T, had been very successful. Much greater participation then the inaugural show in 2022. He was of the opinion that 2024’s would be even bigger and better and he had already spoken to the school headmistress about additional activities for the children. A scarecrow competition was being considered. The flower displays were fantastic and the baking/cake classes were of a very high standard. A general well done to organisers, helpers and all those who participated, and especially to the judge.


Page 334 (2 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….18th Oct’ 2023.

211.00 Village Hall management update and Table Top sale arrangements.

211.01 Cllr S M and chair advised that the bookings were increasing at the hall and importantly the proposed Table Top sale had attracted 11 takers for tables. Cllr S M said he was promoting across as wide an area as possible, hopefully successfully people bring through the door who were as important as the table hirers.

212.00 Platinum Garden update and Millennium Garden update.

212.01 Cllr R B said not a great deal to report other than her husband and Cllr B E had been maintaining the grass cutting regime and in October they would do the final cut and collect for the wild flower section of the garden. Cllrs noted that they had seen folk actually picnicking on the area in the recent hot spell. Visitors enjoying the vista across the bay.

212.02 chair advised that the community payback team had returned and again removed the weeds that had taken over the Millennium Garden pathways. The team leader was saying that most churches, schools and such like who requested assistance made a donation the organisation. At the Monday meeting of the Village Hall Committee, they had agreed to make a £100 donation to the organisation, the chair asked councillors if they were happy to match that donation. It was agreed to match the donation as a maintenance contribution. Clerk will ask the VHC treasurer to forward an invoice and the parish council will pay the invoice and seek confirmation of the date and amount of the contribution made to the group.

212.03 Cllr J B and S M both remarked that the hedge that borders the pathway from Solway Road down the back of the village hall is once again seriously encroaching across the pathway. Chair said she would ask the community team to give the hedge a serious trim back to behind the path edge. As the clerk pointed out, if he requests the Cumberland team to carry out the exercise the parish council would receive an invoice approaching £100 so if the community group will do it fine, but if they ask for a skip, he will reappraise the position as a skip will be £200.

213.00 A595 viaduct repairs, outstanding issues?

213.01 clerk had written a lengthy email immediately after the last meeting to Steve Mason, copied to chair and vice-chair, but never received a reply. Cllr B E had stated he would go to visit the site management after the last meeting, but clerk had received no feedback from Cllr B E, so assumed no progress there.

213.02 Cumberland Cllr G T had said she was hopeful that the local highways would resurface the road from the A595 to Parton junction. Clerk noted that the chicane opposite Cllr H T’s property had not been reinstated, but he would chase to get that fully replaced not left as a temporary structure.

214.00 Next edition of the Lowca Lowdown, print schedule date and compiling process.

214.01 clerk advised incoming clerk Lowca Lowdown was printed by Printpoint based in Whitehaven, but clerk collected the finished printed copy from owners Low Moresby home. He confirmed that the school provided a page of copy, Cllr R B will always provide village garden update and also the church material.

214.02 The next edition of the Lowdown would be printed and circulated at the end of November.

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215.00 Remembrance Day Wreaths, Christmas Tree for Lowca and its licence.     

215.01 clerk made no apologies for bringing these topics to the agenda, but new clerk needs to know the annual procedures for the parish and these two are important. Clerk explained who organised the wreaths, one for the parish one for the school. Payment was usually by clerk using a personal cheque either payable to British legion or the individual who organised their supply. Reclaimed as an expense. Contact details on master contact sheet.

215.02 parish organise a Christmas tree for land by East Road bus shelter. Clerk was surprised to discover new source of supply had been established, a 10ft was the agreed height required. Chair to provide supply contact details to Cllr H T who would organise its delivery and provide the safety fencing. Lighting would be supervised by Cllr H T and the chair.

216.00 Councillor Training via Calc and online courses.

216.01 Clerk had specifically included this item as over the recent few years there have been many changes in legislation on how a parish council is now governed, Data Protection from 2018 onwards, Freedom of Information, Monitoring Officers, legislation was now quite extensive and councillors did require updating on the issues. Incoming clerk pointed out councillors should not be using their personal email for parish council business; this is due to Freedom of Information. Clerk would circulate the details to councillors and pointed out all courses were now online using the Microsoft TEAM’s system. Cost paid by parish council.

217.00 Progress reports, clerk.

217.01 clerk reported he had responded to Sarah Mitchell about the Distington/Howgate fund. Her response was that she would investigate at end of August, no further information. Incoming clerk advised that fund is not ring fenced in Moresby PC accounts, a note though to the effect not all monies is parishes. Ongoing issue.

217.02 Zurich insurance had finally confirmed bridge insurance £283.87 for the year, clerk has requested £141.93 donation from Parton Parish Council.

217.03 Finally the school warning sign opposite 10 Ghyll Grove has been replaced.

217.04 Clerk asked for traffic survey on Solway Rd before the nursery. Local Highways area manager had responded, clerk read the email. The road is not officially adopted by Cumberland so their equipment cannot be used on the road, but he was prepared to agree to one on East Road. Councillors agreed to that proposal, clerk to organise.

217.05 On competition of the Playdale equipment in the Millennium Garden behind the village hall, clerk had purchased some climbing safety clips and shortened the stretched links on the equipment. They are stainless steel, 18/8 material, each with a safe working load of 340Kg. On completion of the installation, he had used his 97Kg weight to test the repair. No issues.

217.06 an email from Highways dated 30th August advised that the road surface from church down to Parton junction had been repaired, E1/146656 of 22nd April. Clerk had asked Cllr S M for his observations as he initially complained as a cyclist. His very polite response to clerk implied it was now a puncture hazard.

217.07 there had been a clerks forum arranged by Calc for 14th September. Unfortunately, clerk unable to attend, however he had emailed Sonia Hutchinson about his concerns that Calc were being used by Cumberland as a free email distribution conduit. All parish councils paid subs annually but why should that subscription unleash numerous pointless emails. If someone was having to circulate using postage stamp and envelope, they would be more selective with distribution.

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218.00 Lowca Parish Cllrs reports.

218.01 No reports except from the chair, who is still in the process of attempting to obtain the long promised LOWCA village entrance sign. She has arranged a site meeting to hopefully resolve the sign and get the deer signs correctly sited. She had also reported the large flood in Ghyll Grove, in the recent exceptional very heavy rain. Advised that the drains have been cleaned by the council since her report.

218.02 she thanked councillors for their assistance in getting the Lowdown distributed.

219.00 Correspondence.

219.01 clerk had received an email about the large groundworks being undertaken to the right of the recent new nursery glasshouse. He had contacted the planning enforcement officer and she had investigated; it transpired all appropriate activity completing the approved landscaping of the recent development.

219.02 Invoice received from Printpoint £185 for Summer edition.

219.03 Invoice received from Playdale for the balance of the 50% on completion of the equipment refurbishment in Millennium Garden, clerk had paid as price was all as approved contract price.

219.04 email from a non-resident of Lowca about the state of the foreshore its potholes etc and he supplied details of where material could be purchased to make good. Clerk had responded pointing out not a parish council matter and had redirected the email author to Cumberland Councillor G T.

219.05 received from village hall committee an invoice for hire of the room for clerk interview, £12.00 and also invoice from same source for hall hire for Lowca Village Show, £36.00.

219.06 Email received about funding for local community projects from Robins Rigg. Clerk had forwarded to Cllr H T.

220.00 Payments for approval

IntPay 284A/B/C Playdale £1430.11 50% remaining Millennium repair £500/£500/£430.11

IntPay 285 M Milner, £115.80, salary August 10 hrs as agreed July PC HMRC time limit

IntPay 286 HMRC clerk’s PAYE £9.20 to meet HMRC submission time limits

Bank charges from HSBC for August £5.00.

IntPay 287 M Milner, £275.21, Salary balance Aug/Sept £244.36, Expenses £30.85

IntPay 288 HMRC PAYE, £41.40.

IntPay 289 Printpoint £185.00 Summer Lowdown

IntPay 290 Lowca village Hall, £12.00 room hire clerk interview

IntPay 291 Lowca village hall, £36.00 hall hire Lowca Village Show.

Bank charges from HSBC for September £5.00.

All approved.

221.00 Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 18th October 2023, 7.30pm in Lowca Village Hall.


Meeting closed 8.33pm.

Page 337 (5 of 5) signed chairman……………….………………………………………….18th Oct’ 2023.